Ogle Civil War Veterans
Union Soldiers
Aaron Ogle (1 Mar 1847-31 Oct 1900) Enlisted 1 Oct 1863 when he was 18 years old Served in Cos E & H 9th Regiment TN Cavalry Volunteers
as a Private. Served 1863-1865 Wife: Elizabeth Dodgen; Parents: William W. and Jane Conner Ogle
Bradford Ogle (20 Jan 1838-16 Jan 1920) Enlisted 1863 when he was
28 years old. Served in Cos. H and E 9th Regiment, TN Cavalry Volunteer Served as a private. Served 1863-
11 Sep 1865. Wife: (1) Elizabeth Kear (2)
Polly Bohanan Parents: Thomas I
and Sarah Ogle
Caswell T. Ogle (11 Nov. 1842-16 Jan 1911) 23 years old. Served in Cos. E and H 9th
Regiment, TN Cavalry Discharged at Knoxville, 1863. Wife: Margaret Malinda Seaton Parents: Henry and Catherine Roberts Ogle. (Note: Caswell is listed as a soldier in both the Union and Confederate Armies. In some instances soldiers who were captured were pressed into changing sides So far we have no reason for Caswell being on both Union and Confederate Rosters.)
Cleeson Ogle (No dates) Enlisted 15 Aug 1862 . Served in Co.B. 2nd Regiment TN Cavalry as a private. Served until Dec 1863. No family info.
Elisha Ogle (1828-7 Sep 1864)
Served in Co. H. 9th Regimente, TN Cavalry. Elisha was captured
by Confederate forces and taken to NC where he was killed 7 Sep. 1864. Wife: Beda Ogle
Parents: Isaac and Susannah Bohanan Ogle.
George M. Ogle (1841-1863)
Enlisted 8 Nov 1862 when he was 21 years old. Served as a private in Co
M 2nd Regiment TN Cavalry. Died 27 Apr 1863. No family info.
Henry Ogle (Mar 1824-17 May 1904) Enlisted 1 Oct 1863; discharged 11 Sep 1865
at Knoxville. Served in Co. H.9th TN Cavalry Volunteers. Army description: “age 40; height 5’9”; complexion, dark; hair, dark; eyes, blue.” Wives: (1) Catherine Roberts (2) Mary Etta Owens
Parents: William and Nancy Bohanan Ogle
Horatio Ogle (8 Jan 1845-7 Jan 1923) Enlisted as a private when he was 18 years old in Co. K 2nd Regiment TN Cavalry. Served 1862-1865. Discharged as a quartermaster sergeant. Surgeon General discharged him 31 May
1865 Became a minister. Wives: (1) Catherine Bohanan (2) Margaret Brown (3) Rebecca Shaver Parents: Isaac and Nancy Butler Ogle
James S. Ogle (no dates) Enlisted as a private 20 Feb 1864 when
he was 19 years old. Served in Co. F 2nd Regiment TN Mounted Infantry. No family info
John Ogle (18 Feb 1826-20 Mar 1865) Enlisted when he was 36
years old. Served as a private in Co M. 2nd Regiment, TN Cavalry . Died in New Orleans of chronic dysentery. Parents: William H. and Sarah Thurman Ogle
John Ogle (1842-?) Enlisted 1 Dec 1864 when he was 22 years old. Served
in Co. G 4th Regiment TN Mounted Infantry as a private, No family
Noah Ogle (1838-?) Enlisted
9 Apr 1863 when he was 25 years old as a Private.
Served in 1st Battalion, TN Light Artillery No family info
Noah Ogle (1833-1897) Enlisted16 Sep 1862. Served as a Private
in Co E. 2nd Regiment, TN Cavalry. Volunteer. Army description: 29 years old, fair complexion, dark hair,
yellow eyes. Wives: (1) Martha Ogle (2) Sophia
Reagan (Daniel Wesley Reagan’s daughter) (3) Susan Ogle Parents: Harkless T. and Mary Ownby Ogle
Noah Ogle (No dates) Served in Co C. 8th Regiment, TN Infantry. No family info
Perry Ogle (No dates)
Served in Co. E, 2nd Regiment, TN Cavalry. No family info
Preston Ogle (1827-1864 ) Served as a private in Co H 9th
Regiment, TN Cavalry. Died at Camp Nelson of typhoid. Wife: Rebecca Conner
Parents: Thomas J. and Sophia Bosley Ogle
Simeon Ogle (13 May 1844-23 Jun 1864) Served in Co D 9th Regiment, TN Cavalry. Volunteer. POW in Feb of 1864.
Died of typhoid in Gallatin TN. Wife: Ann Williams Parents: William T. and Sarah Bohanan Ogle
William Ogle (No Dates) Served
in Cos. M and D, 2nd Regiment, TN Cavalry. No family info
Archibald Clabaugh (Sophia Ogle’s husband) (1845-?) Served in Co. K
2nd TN Cavalry. Parents:
James and Sarah Clabaugh. Sophia was the daughter of Isaac T. and Nancy
Conner Ogle.
Jonathan Cogdill (Nancy Ogle’s husband)(1842-1920) Served in
Co. B 2nd TN Cavalry Parents: Unknown Nancy was the daughter of William H. and Sarah Thurman Ogle.
Confederate Soldiers
Andrew T. Ogle (no dates) Served in Co K 42nd Regiment,
TN Infantry
Archibald Ogle (no dates)
Served in Co A 39th Regiment, TN Mounted Infantry (WM Bradford’s)
31st Infantry
Arthur Ogle (18 May 1841-13 Feb 1889) Served in Co A 39th Regiment, TN Mounted Infantry (W.M. Bradford’s) (31st Infantry) Wife: Sophia Ownby Parents: Harkless T. and Mary Ownby Ogle
Bradford Ogle (no dates) Served in Co A 39th Regiment,
TN Mounted Infantry (W. M. Bradford’s) 31st Infantry
Caswell T. Ogle (11Nov 1842-216 jan 1911) Served in Co A 39th
Regiment TN Mounted Infantry (W.M. Bradford’s) (31st Infantry)
Wife: Margaret Malinda Seaton
Parents: Henry and Catherine Roberts Ogle
(Note: See Caswell T Ogle under Union Army
Frank Ogle (no dates) Served in Co. G, 15th Regiment, TN Infantry
Geneal Ogle (no dates)
Served in Co D 37th Regiment, TN Infantry (7th Infantry) 1st E. TN Rifles
George Ogle (no dates) Served in Co D, 37th Regiment,
TN Infantry (7th Infantry) 1st E. TN Rifles)
Gilbert Ogle (1840-1892)
Served in Co A. 39th Regiment, TN Mounted Infantry)W.M. Bradford’s
31st Infantry. Wife:
Julia Ann Reagan (daughter of Daniel Wesley Reagan) Parents; Isaac T and Nancy Conner Ogle
Harkless Ogle (no dates)
Served in 34th Regiment, TN Infantry (4th Confederate Infantry)
James Ogle (no dates) Served in Co. H, 37th Regiment,
TN Infantry (7th Infantry) 1st E. TN Rifles
John Ogle (no dates)
Served in Co. H, 37th Regiment, TN Infantry (7th Infantry)
1st E TN Rifles
John Ogle (no dates) Served in Co B, 39th Regiment,
TN Mounted Infantry (W.M. Bradford’s) 31st Infantry
Larence Ogle (no dates)
Served in Co H, 37th Regiment, TN Infantry (7th Infantry) 1st E. TN Rifles
Levi Ogle (no dates)
Served in Co H ,20th Regiment TN Infantry
Like (Luke?) Ogle (no dates)
Served in Co. H 37th Regiment, TN Infantry (7th Infantry) 1st E. TN Rifles
Thomas Ogle (no dates)
Served in Co. A 39th Regiment, TN Mounted Infantry (W.M. Bradford’s) 31st Infantry
William Ogle Served in kCo. B, 39th Regiment, TN Mounted
Infantry (W.M. Bradford’s) 31st Infantry
Wilson Ogle (1827-?) Served in 3rd Regiment TN Mounted
infantry (Lillard’s) Wife: Margaret
Nathan Parents: John
and Elizabeth McBryant Ogle. Wilson lived in Jefferson Co., TN